Favorite Christmas Gifts My 4 Month-Old Received (2020)
Shopping for a baby (or putting a wish list together) was a difficult task for me this past Christmas. I threw together an Amazon list based on what I think looked cute, what would fill a couple holes in our daily routine, and solid product reviews. Luckily, we received some major winners. Below is a list of our favorite gifts Nora received this past Christmas that she’s either using now, or will grow into well.
Flamingo Rocker – this thing is beyond cute. It takes up room, and she can’t really enjoy it yet, but I think it’s totally worth it. It’s solid enough for my 4 year-old to ride on, and soft enough for Nora to pose on. It’s a piece that I feel like Pottery Barn could have sold for triple the price. This is a great big gift, that doesn’t come with a huge price tag. Bonus: it looks freaking adorable in a play room.
Tumama high contrast shape set – Nora loves these. We have had similar toys in the past, but these keep her attention better than the pastel/neutral colored ones I prefer. Turns out babies prefer high contrast over mom’s go-to color scheme. We’ve been rotating these between her play gym, car seat and tummy-time mat.
Gloveleya baby doll – This may be my top recommended gift for a baby girl. This baby doll is soft, slightly over-sized, cushy, and so damn cute! Nora loves cuddling with it and reaches for it when it’s not within grasping distance. I’m tempted to buy another one in case this gets lost, because I feel as though there is a high probability of her growing extremely attached to it.
In my Heart: A Book of Feelings – This book is so sweet. I’ve been reading it to Nora and Everett, and they both pay attention and are engaged. It’s a great way to talk about emotions with little kids. We reference this book when we talk about how we’re feeling, and it’s been an excellent tool in relating to each other (at least for my 4 year old).
Flora: A Botanical Pop-up Book – This is simply just a beautiful book. It’s seriously stunning. Will I let Nora play with it in the next 2 years – probably not, but it will look gorgeous on her book shelf until I trust her not to rip the pages.
XJD Baby Balance Bike – OK, so this gift is a little outside Nora’s capabilities, but I know it will be great in 5-6 months. Everett loves playing with it, and will be keeping it warm until Nora prys it away from him. This bike is not like a traditional balance bike. It will not fall over, it’s more of a balance bike in the sense that the babe has to balance their body on it, rather than balance the actual bike. It’s got the aesthetics of a balance bike, but the functionality of a tricycle and scooter crossbreed.
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